Siddheshvari Devi Ji , addressed as Didi Ji (Respected Sister), was born in the state of Punjab in Northern India and spent her formative years in Canada, graduating from York University in Toronto with a degree in linguistics. Even in early childhood, she was drawn to temples and drew great solace from visiting places of worship. While other children were lost in play, she was looking within and contemplating the purpose of life and the phenomenon of death.
Internally guided by God, she felt intuitively that life has a much higher purpose than merely eating, sleeping and accumulating wealth. The promise of a financially rewarding career did not hold any appeal for her.
After graduating university, Didi Ji’s spiritual quest led her to Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, who is only the fifth personality in the past 5,000 years to be recognized as Jagadguru, i.e. Guru of the world. Didi Ji made a pilgrimage to India, spent two years in the Ashram and learned directly from Shri Maharaj Ji the intricate mysteries of the Vedas and other scriptures. Shri Maharaj Ji declared in the very first visit that He would grant her the service of preaching His message to the West. She began performing this service in 1987.
Didi Ji is the founder of Radha Madhav Society, a non-profit charitable organization in America, Canada and Trinidad, functioning under the auspices of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat. She is continuously striving to spread the deep spiritual teachings of Hinduism and dispel the myth and misconceptions related to it. An eloquent speaker, her mission is tosimplify the eternal message of the Vedas and Shastras and awaken lovefor God within the hearts of seeking souls. She has inspired and transformed the lives of thousands.
With a mixture of eastern background and western upbringing, Didi Ji inspires adults, teens and children alike. She is a vibrant speaker, a melodious singer and extremely approachable.
Visit www.radhamadhavsociety.org for more information on Didi Ji.